Contemplative Reading is Back
To be whole. To be complete. Wildness reminds us what it means to be human, what we are connected to rather than what we are separate from. —Terry Tempest Williams
Please join Elizabeth Rovere for the return of her very popular three–class Art of Contemplative Reading in Community starting October 2nd. The art of Contemplative Reading is known as cintya-bhavana in India and lectio-divina in the West. In medieval times, monks and nuns would read and reflect upon the impact of a sacred text on their minds, bodies, hearts, and spirits. This practice helps us access deeper layers of intuitive wisdom missed through reading analysis and a more left-brain engagement—in this practice, we read to see what is happening, not what happens next!
Elizabeth Rovere, MA, MTS, PsyD, RYT-200, is a clinical psychologist, BodyAwake yoga teacher, the host of the wonderful Wonderstruck podcast, and board member of Nalanda Institute. In this third year, we will explore the writings of Kabir, Wendell Berry, Lama Yeshe, Danusha Laméris, Rosemary Wahtolla Trommer, and Terry Tempest Williams.
Come and see what is awakened in you.